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All BIG-M systems are dimensioned for our 80W mono solar cells. The BIG-M 12V / 50W / 50Ah produces about 200Wh clean energy during summer. On sunny days in summer the system can even produce up to 400Wh and more.

The included AGM battery stores about 600Wh. With a discharge of 50% you can use about 300Wh daily and ensure a higher battery life-span of 5 to 10 years at the same time.

All components and cables are perfectly matched together - there is nothing you have to care about.

If this set is not exactly what meets your requirements please let us know. We gladly provide you with an individual offer with other specifications according to your needs.

1 x Offgridtec 50W Mono solar panel
1 x Offgridtec 51Ah AGM battery
1 x Steca PR 1010 charge controller with LCD-display
1 x 8m professional module to charge controller connection cable (2x6mm²)
1 x 1,5m professional battery cable with 10A-fuse

Bedienungsanleitung_PR1010_3030.pdf Download
4-01-002685_BIG-S_50W.pdf Download
Average daily yield: 200Wh (expandable)
Battery type: AGM battery
Capacity 10hr: 50 Ah (5.0A,1.75V)
Capacity 20hr: 51 Ah (1.19A,1.75V)
Category name: Offgridtec BIG Series
Cell type: monocrystalline
Connection options: 12V/DC
Included Battery: Offgridtec© 51Ah / 12V AGM Solar Battery
Included charge controller: Steca PR 1010
Manufacturer: Offgridtec
Module voltage (VMP): 17,8V, 20 V
Open circuit voltage (VOC): 24 V
Power (PMAX): 50W
Product Type: Solar power system
Short circuit current (ISC): 2,7 A
System performance: 50W (expandable)
System voltage: 12V DC
max. current (IMP): 2,5 A

Manufactuerer Information

Offgridtec GmbH

Offgridtec GmbH
Im Gewerbepark 11
84307 Eggenfelden


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