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All BIG-L systems are dimensioned for our 100W mono solar cells. The BIG-M 12V / 100W / 101Ah produces about 400Wh clean energy during summer. The included Offgridtec AGM accumulator
has a capacity of about 1280Wh. With a discharge of 50% you can use 642W each day and ensure a high battery life-span at the same time.

Energy production and storage
This system produces a daily output of about 400Wh during summer - about 50 - 90 during winter. Reference site for the measurement was Hamburg - the further you go south the more output can be expected.
On sunny days the output clearly exceeded the average.

The included Steca PR 2020 charge controller is designed for high requirements and allows the extention of the system by up to 3 x 100W modules. Therefore even in winter enough energy can be produced. With a
discharge of 50% the AGM battery can store up to 643Wh. Charge controllers out of the Steca PR series come with a LCD-display and a huge range of functions.

What can be supplied?
The system is designed to supply small 12V consumers like laptops, smart phones, 12V TVs or simply lamps. Such consumers can even be run together for several hours.
You can also add a 230V inverter to your system to even expand its functionality.

1 x Offgridtec 100w V2 Solarpanel 23V black frame
1 x Offgridtec 100Ah AGM battery
1 x 15A Steca PR 2020 charge controller with LCD-display
1 x 8m professional module connection cable (2x6mm²) - Plug & Play with Multi-Contact-connectors for a safe solar system
1 x Offgridtec battery cable with 25A-fuse

Datasheet_Mono-V2-modules.pdf Download
Datenblatt_Mono-V2-Module.pdf Download
Bedienungsanleitung_PR2020.pdf Download
Garantiebestimmung_Solarmodule.pdf Download
4-01-002690_BIG-L_100W.pdf Download
Ambient temperature: -40°C - +85°C
Average daily yield: 400Wh (expandable)
Battery capacity (SOC50): 642Wh
Battery type: AGM battery
Capacity 10hr: 100 Ah (10A,1.75V)
Capacity 20hr: 101 Ah (5.05A,1.75V)
Category name: Offgridtec BIG Series
Cell efficiency: 22,3%
Cell type: monocrystalline
Included Battery: Offgridtec© 101Ah / 12V AGM Solar Battery
Included charge controller: Steca PR 2020
Manufacturer: Offgridtec
Max. System voltage: 1000 V/DC
Module voltage (VMP): 23,9 V
Open circuit voltage (VOC): 28V
Product Type: Solar power system
Short circuit current (ISC): 4,4 A
Solar module - Format drill holes: 8 x 20 mm
Solar module - Number of cable entries: n.a.
Solar module - Terminal standard: n. a.
Solar module - cable length: 0,8 m
Solar module - cell type: SW monocrystalline
Solar module - diodes installed: 2x IOSQO50 Bypass Diode
Solar module - frame thickness: 1 mm
Solar module - junction box: PV-JB-018
Solar module - junction box (ABM): 100 x 77,5 x 25mm
Solar module - junction box (IP): IP65
Solar module - junction box (K max.): n.a.
Solar module - plug type: MC4
Solar module - size connection cable: 4 mm - 6 mm
Solar module - terminal connection: n.a.
System performance: 100W (expandable)
System voltage: 12V DC
Tolerance: ±3%
max. current (IMP): 4,2 A
max. load current: 20A

Manufactuerer Information

Offgridtec GmbH

Offgridtec GmbH
Im Gewerbepark 11
84307 Eggenfelden


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