Nachhaltige Energiegewinnung im Miniaturformat
Tauche ein in die Welt der Balkonkraftwerke von Offgridtec und profitiere von unserer professionellen Beratung und langjährigen Expertise.
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Ideal für deinen Balkon oder die Terrasse, erwarten dich hier umfassende Informationen zu unseren umweltfreundlichen Balkonkraftwerken.
Unsere Komplettsysteme ermöglichen es dir, deinen eigenen grünen Strom für dein Zuhause oder dein Unternehmen zu erzeugen, selbst wenn du über keine eigene Dachfläche verfügst. Dadurch wirst du unabhängiger von großen Energieversorgern und kannst gleichzeitig deinen CO₂-Fußabdruck reduzieren.
Deine Vorteile

Optionale Anschluss- & Befestigungssysteme
Bei vielen unserer Offgridtec Balkonkraftwerke kannst du direkt am Artikel das passende Anschlusskabel und ein geeignetes Montage-Set für dein individuelles Projekt auswählen.

Optionale Montage-Sets für:
- Balkongeländer: mit passenden C-Haken
- Flachdach: Neigungswinkel 10° - 60°
- Biberschwanzdach: mit Biberschwanz-Dachhaken
- Ziegeldach: mit 3-fach verstellbaren Dachhaken
- Wellethernit- und Blechdach: mit Edelstahl-Stockschrauben
Optionale Anschluss-Sets für:
- Schuko-Steckdosen (Stecker-Typ F)
- Wieland Einspeisesteckdose (RST20I3S)
So funktioniert's

Montage lt. Anleitung
Die Montage der Balkonkraftwerke ist in der Regel ohne Elektriker möglich. Einfach die Solarmodule mit dem Wechselrichter verbinden und je nach Bedarf im Garten, am Balkon oder auf dem Dach montieren.

Danach kann die Anlage ganz einfach in die Steckdose gesteckt werden und schon ist sie fertig angeschlossen.

Los geht's!
Die Geräte im Haus verwenden nun ganz automatisch den verfügbaren Solarstrom bevor sie auf das Netz zugreifen.

Alle Infos zur mehrwertsteuerfreien Lieferung von Solaranlagen und Komponenten an Privatkunden 2023 in Deutschland findest du hier.
Noch Fragen?
Unser Kundenservice steht dir gerne telefonisch unter 08721 91994-00 oder per E-Mail unter info@offgridtec.com zur Verfügung.
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Product is expected to be back in stock on 11 April 2025
Product is expected to be back in stock on 11 April 2025
Soon available again
Soon available again
Balcony Power Plant
Many people think that solar systems are only suitable for homes. But in fact you can also easily generate solar energy via your balcony or terrace. How does that work? With a balcony power plant from Offgridtec. A balcony power plant is a type of compressed solar energy system that can be connected to the power supply of a flat and reliably supplies your flat with electricity. Discover our diverse range and benefit from the power of the sun!
Balcony power plants - solar energy for every home
A balcony power plant is the compressed version of a solar energy system. Our Offgridtec power plants are always oriented towards the highest quality standards and are designed for a long service life. They are easy to install thanks to our detailed installation instructions, make you less dependent on your electricity provider and pay for themselves after just a few years.
How a balcony power plant works
A balcony power plant from Offgridtec consists of one to six solar modules, the accessories needed to set up and install the system and an inverter. The latter converts the stored direct current into alternating current, which can simply be fed into the residential power grid via a house socket. In this way, you can easily operate electrical appliances with the electricity you produce yourself.
Prices for a balcony power plant
The price of a balcony power plant depends greatly on its equipment and performance. At Offgridtec, you can get smaller models for as little as €500. The investment is worth it! Because after just a few years, the system pays for itself due to the electricity saved and you even save money because you are more independent of your electricity provider.
Buy quality balcony power plants from Offgridtec in our online shop
ur in-house Offgridtec complete systems are developed and installed exclusively with high-quality raw materials and by experienced hands. We attach great importance to ensuring that our products have a long service life and high efficiency and reliably supply you with green energy.
We not only offer you high-quality products, but also individual advice and support in choosing the right balcony power plant on request. Produce self-sufficient electricity and do something good for yourself and the environment!
If you have any questions about our products, our experts at Offgridtec will be happy to help you via our customer hotline. Call us on +49 8721 91994-00 or send an email to info@offgridtec.com and get expert advice today!
- What are the benefits of a balcony power plant? A balcony power plant has many advantages. It produces self-sufficient electricity in a small space. You can use the electricity you produce yourself and even save money. You also reduce your carbon footprint and do something good for the environment.
- Do I need a permit for my balcony power plant? From 600W, balcony power plants require a permit from the Federal Network Agency and the network operator.
- How can I use the electricity from a balcony power plant? The electricity produced is converted by an inverter and simply fed into the household grid via a cable.
- Is a balcony power plant worthwhile? A balcony power plant does involve an initial investment, but it pays for itself after a short time. At a price of 1,000 €, this already happens after about 5 years. At Offgridtec, you can get high-quality designs for as little as €500.